Hello everybody, I am back from... well, being away. Hehe.
It's terrible how I had abandoned this blog for a bit, I know. I apologize.
Here, let me fill you in on what's been going on.
So the Hawaii All-State Marching Band trip began on Christmas and ended nine days afterwards. We stayed at Knotts Berry Farm Resort Hotel, which was, as Rosie puts it, "the. bomb!" Lol. Students were prohibited from using elevators and were directed to the stairs while accompanying guests were allowed to use those... contraptions... ._. In the long-run, it was good for us. Strengthened our leg muscles and helped build our endurance. I imagine guests gained weight on those elevators after breakfast while we all burned it off. :)
Bandfest was only two days after we arrived, which was AMAZING. Songs performed include Tahiti-Tahiti, Bula "Drums of the Island", I'll Remember You, Pate-Pate, and Hawaii Five-O. The neat thing about Hawaii Five-O was that Payton, the director, would count off "One two three," and scream "ROCK!" at the end and we'd all do the Twist. :) I have videos of it. I should show you. I'm currently in the process of ordering the DVD.
After that was the parade. Well, not immediately after, but several days following was the Big Day. We were in the middle of the Marine band, one of the best in the nation, and the USC marching band. (YEAH GO USC! ^__^y) That tells me we had to live up to some pretty big expectations. And we did. <3 Go HASMB! Well, the parade was only two hours which wasn't so bad. We ended up marching in some major horse shit. No seriously, we stepped in horse crap a lot. A lot a lot. Lol. Good fun!
My trip, overall, was a big bundle of fun. Got to go to theme parks and Medieval Times... Oh, all those trips to those places deserve a paragraph! Urgh, too lazy. Oh well, I'm sure you don't want to know EVERYTHING. ^___^ Well, I ended up befriending majority of my section and some others when I was a filler for missing trumpets and saxes. Namedrop: Russell, Jasmine, Ama, Rachel, Megan, Mike, Kim, Alena, and Christina. Not to mention closer bonding with Karllyn, Kiana, Dorian, Tony, and Robert. :)
I've been back for a while already. School started up yesterday, and already I can tell this semester is going to be the shit. I have photography, algebra II, Japanese I, and, of course, AP English/Advisory. Good fun! Wish me luck in math, BECAUSE I HAVE MRS. BREEZE. ;)
Wednesday, January 14, 2009
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