Wednesday, March 5, 2008


A goal of mine for YEARS have been to learn the lyrics and meanings to a few songs by J.D. Crutch and Marianas Homegrown, more specifically Apo Magi, Benti Uno Yu Gi Presu, and Inner Voices. Inner voices happens to be song priority number ONE. But... father merely googled songs and printed out Apo Magi and threw it at me. Harr harr.

I'm irritated because I REALLY want to learn the words to Inner Voices, but... I'm afraid to pick out words myself, because I don't speak Chamorro. Plus, I might be getting words wrong. And my whole family (minus siblings) speak Chamorro, so you know how that goes.
It's a gorgeous song, really. I've been dying to play it on guitar. My father sings it wonderfully.

Actually, I've been recently thinking about arranging all these songs into piano solos, or maybe sing-a-longs, but that's always hard to do. I can't even make an original arrangement for Smother Me, which is a much crisper and cleaner recording than Apo Magi and whatnot. But still, maybe I should try one day. I'm going to become a musician, anyways. Probably going to major in musical education and minor in compositon, so maybe that'll be my first project. Wait, that means I get to meet J.D. Crutch and others! Yay! Maybe I can finally meet Uncle Johnny (Sablan) and arrange stuff he wrote. Aunty Sabrina would be so thrilled that her best friend's daughter is helping her husband make money. XD

Also, upon my internet researching, I've discovered that Gwen Stefani made a cover of Benti Uno Yu Gi Presu called Veintouno. It was SUPPOSED to be released on her second solo album, but it never was. My dad and I are on edge to hear what it sounds like. That's big: a GIANT music artist making a cover of a CHAMORRO song. :D WOOOOH!

1 comment:

The Math Wizard said...

Now, I bought the Marianas Homegrown CD in Kmart, and when I read the liner, I discovered that "Apo Magi" is set to the tune of "Rest Your Love on Me" by the Bee Gees. As for the words, I don't speak enough Chamorro to get the gist but I don't think J.D. Crutch did a straight translation; most likely his words are either completely new or a reinterpretation of the Bee Gees song.

As for "Benti Unu..." the liner credits Merle Haggard with the original, but since I wasn't a fan of Merle Haggard I wouldn't know exactly which song this is.

But I hear you on "Inner Voices". It's a very pretty, classic island-style sounding song, and it just leaves you with a good feeling as you sing it ^_^. It's a shame that the available online lyrics for the song seems to be merely a "soundalike" for the Chamorro verses... I wish I knew enough Chamorro to correct it.