This is how I spent all of yesterday with Ruth-Lee, Lily, Angel, and Rosie. In the pool. :)
So yesterday was pretty fun. We discovered the wonders of being taught to swim by three year olds and whatnot. Ko'olina is gorgeous. Next step is convincing my mother to let me stay there a week for grad. Haha, just kidding. Maybe.
So yeah, I'm sitting in Sue's class right now. I just got done making my extra credit T-shirt (which is rather cute. ^__^). I think Lerma's is adorable and creative... not like mine and Malia's. Hehehe. We should take a picture in them. I should invest in a giant heat press like that. Then I could make all the T-shirts I desire. :D MAPLE TEE! XD
Anyways, I need to head down to Mrs. Barangen's class soon... I need to get my AP Chem. summer assignments. I should just bail out on AP. It seems too studious for me. T_T Oh well, we'll just see about that next year.
Speaking of AP classes, my AP World History recommends having an accessible laptop for class. Lessons and lectures will be put in different forms, including PODCASTS. Isn't that cool? Well yeah, I'd very much like to get a new laptop, or at least borrow my fathers, but he's resisting. I think he still thinks I'm bent on getting an Apple laptop. I've come to terms with myself by telling myself Apple can't play MapleStory on it (XD) so I'll just stick with Window. ;p Plus, I know how to fix Windows computers. Much easier for me to use.
Rosie is leaving me today. T_T At 2pm, she's off to Guam for summer, which means I have no summer buddy (except Peach, but she's not really on the same wavelength as me and Rosie.) And according to Ryan and Vinh, we have a carnival date on the 22nd, which means wristbands and KABBA MODERN. Hell yes. So yeah... my summer is pretty packed with school and fun. That's good. :)
Also, Mark informed me that Kea and the rest of the band checked in & inventoried the instruments. That means the oboe is no longer in my possession. Wait, that means they raided my locker. T_T I wonder what Kea did with my flute... which I need to get fixed THIS WEEK. Ugh.. still procrastinating in calling ACB Music. Shit, I don't even know if they do those kinds of repairs. And if they don't, then I'll just have to make a trip to Makaha (further than town) to Harry's Music Store, which I have the number to (yay!). All-State rehearsal is coming around the corner, and I'm nervous. T_T Wait, who am I rooming with during the trip? Meh, Karllyn wanted to room with her Castle friends, and Kiana said she could room with me, but I'm curious as to who's getting the other two beds (if Karllyn DOES room with her Castle friends). Meh, I need to discuss with further with them. Ooohh, I can't wait~! ^__^
Wow, this has to be one of the longest entries I've made so far. Mmkay, well seeya in the next entry~
Updated Grades:
History - B
Graphics - B
English - B
Geometry - C
Band - A
That's... a little better, considering my average in math is a C. There's not much I can do at this point to improve my history or English grade. I'm set for graphics. My mom knows how hard Bryce is. Egh.
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