Monday, June 2, 2008

The Last Week Of School: Day I

Alright, so I'm in Sueoka's class as always, now aware that a certain friend actually reads my blogspot!
Yaaaaaay~! ^__^y

Anyways, school is winding down (except for geometry... :stare:) History we're just always watching movies related to the subject. Graphics isn't much anymore, we're just doing extra credit T-shirts (which I'm too scared to do. BIG MACHINERY + Final Destination = chicken shit.) Today is the final debate for English (Arg.&Debate) and I'm nervous, because my group was completely unprepared. Although I do know enough to support my argument, Mr. Pro (Ken) is very good at arguing the topic of video game violence, so I need to exercise my mind and keep on my toes. :)

Because EVERYONE failed the final in geometry, Huyck is letting us do a do-over, and I'm still rather nervous. I got most of the stuff down, but still. Hehe. At least I went over most of it with him. Hopefully that reflects in my final... again... -__-;;


Why? Ruth-Lee and Angel (that's a guy, btw) are leaving island on Wednesday, and I'm quite fond/close of/with them. So Ruth-Lee along with her demonic offspring Lilly (Juuust kidding) have convinced my mom to let me stay with them all Tuesday. And since my period is now done with, I get to go swimming! Yay! Ahh, I love the pool... Ko'olina is such a beautiful resort in the middle of scenic nowhere (well, maybe scenic for factory workers. Ko'olina = right next to Campbell Industrial Park & Waianae's dead mountains). I hear they also have a lagoon. O_o I asked my mom if I could spend a week there after graduation for me. She just laughed. ^^;;

Alright, going to sleep. Hahahaha~

World History - B
Graphics - C
Argument and Debate - B
Geometry - B
Directed Studies of Music - A

Hu cinbneca. ;p E ryja y faag du esbnuja so grades. Fecr sa milg!


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