Tuesday, May 20, 2008

Maple Withdrawal.

Cakelicist Puff Daddy says that in all of his years tranferring from one MapleStory to another, he has never seen such obsession in all of his life.
"Rawr rawrr rawrrrrr," he says, "Rawr rawrr rawrrrrr ra-rawr rawr-ra-ra-rawrrr."

Other MapleStory bosses agree.
"AAAAAAAHHHH~!" says Alishar, Ludibrium PQ Boss. "AH AHHHHH AHHHHHHHHH~!" However, he doesn't get paid too many visits since Monster Carnival emerged.


I have no clue what that previous passage was about. Hehe. I'm sitting in Sue's class all boredlike... it's not even funny. Egh. I'm listening to Jay make fat jokes about Kevan. It's like he has a never-ending list of comebacks for Kevan, when Kevan has nothing. Man, I want to get on MapleStory so badly...

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