Wednesday, July 2, 2008

Blogger Working On School Computers Again

School computer.

Finally, after days of blogger being categorized as "Unavailable", the DOE has revived! Yay~!

So this Chalk And Wire stuff is getting really annoying. If it's not "fill out this form" or "upload this thing", it's "write this essay," or "research this thing and WRITE ABOUT IT." I can't stand this. Argh, I need out of this class! Who's brilliant idea was this, anyways?! Idiot... making me re-take this course when I already have the credit... Ergh.

:Eats cantalope chunks:

Well, all they need to do is fix the screw-ups. Everytime I recieve an IM, "INTERNET EXPLORER NEEDS TO CLOSE." aslfkgsfjsfl.
I'm also forbidden from maplestory for all of today (T_T). It's sad, because I finally pulled the money together to get NX cash ($25). ...(Mom if you're reading this, I'm sorry. I don't buy lunch. XD)

So guess who got pimped out a few days ago? :D Haha, yeah. The hair coupon was bought by accident, actually. I only looked at the words HENESYS and (VIP), and purchased a VIP Hair Coupon. Argh, stupid me. But I guess it was put to good use, because I love Shoku's hair! The closer she gets to looking like me, the happier I'll be. :)

Also, check my writing corner. I've typed out a fanfic I wrote a few days ago. It's still in progress.


Jon Fell JordanBianca Ashie
Shoku, feminie.

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