Tuesday, September 16, 2008

The "I luv yew" Coconut

So Ua brought a coconut to class that said "I ♥ [arrow pointing]" and shoved it into my arms. o_O
A little scary, that notion, especially since there's a chance we might be related (COMILANG!)
I want to throw the coconut at his head. ._.

A little bored, perse? There's nothing to do in this classroom.

So I've been thinking about girl names if I ever have a daughter.
I've collected my thoughts and I think my top names for a girl would be Janelle or Bella.
[I'm going to toss around names randomly after this.]
Bellaleia? I love the nickname Bells. Hm.
I should make the two names.
Bella-Leia. Teehee.
I don't know about that anymore, I'll stop. ^___^;;

The nickname Shoku has spread to my family now.
My parents now know that my pen name is Shokubeni,
Hm. Lina-Chan will always stick, though.

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