Sunday, September 7, 2008

Fashion 45 Night

So my dear sister Momo-San decided to take me and Rosie out clubbing.
Interesting, right? Yeah, I thought so too.
We got ready around 6-ish, and the two of them decided to transform me into a life-size Barbie doll, and were throwing glamour-outfits on me one by one.
I swear, if the clothes got any more colorful, it would've burned right off of me.
So when they were done, they put eyeliner on me, which wasn't so bad. My issue were my shoes.
Everyone knows Lina has terrible walking coordination in heels. But GUESS WHAT THEY PUT ME IN?
:Flashes picture of heels:
Ohhh yeah. ._. I don't know if their motivation was to make me look pretty, or have me snap my neck while walking. I'm hoping it was to make me pretty. D:

So Momo took us to a club downtown in Waikiki called Fashion 45, which terrified me.
I heard the loud hip-hop music, and my mind told me "Oh fuck, RUN Lina, RUNNN!"
That attempt to flee to the other side of the building was shit, since they held my wrists tightly.
So they paid, got us all in, blahblah...
That club was dead as hell. Lucky me, no one stared. UNLUCKY me, since it wasn't packed, everyone COULD see me dancing. Ick.
So they dragged me on the floor, and pretty much pushed me into dancing.
I had a choice: dance, and look like a fool? Or not dance, look like a fool and stick out?
So whatever, I started dancing to make the two of them happy.
After a while of dancing, some guy comes and asks Peachie and Rosie something, and before I knew what was going on, Rosie shoved me into the guy and he grabbed me and started dirty dancing with me.
What did I do?
I panicked. My arms went up in a shield in defense mode, and I was scared shitless.
But this dude wouldn't let go, so I stood there twitching for a while.
Then he realized I'd never done that before, so he hugged me and said sorry.
My response?
Lina: "*twitch twitch* ehehehehe, it's... i-it's okay... *twitch*"
So after he walked away, I punched Rosie in the back.
It's been two hours since I left, and still I hear the bass booming in my damn ears.

*Inhales&exhales deeply*
Yeah, I had fun. ._.

1 comment:

Rikimaru-sama said...


Its okay happened to me too. Cept it was the other way around. >_>

I went to an event called, "Point Click"

It was held at pipeline cafe, and basically, all you see is alot of photographers taking pics of people dancing on the floor. I went with a few of my friends. They tugged me on the floor and somehow....they introduced me with this asian chick.

She was possibly japanese..with a name , Rheena.

Well anyway this happened 2 weeks ago, I was pretty nervous cause Im taken.
So conclusion, we met, talked and traded info. She was actually taken too. Which gave a huge sigh of relief when she had to leave.